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ReframeBot is a Telegram trading bot with intuitive UX and diverse features
Our features
Instant Buying
Instantly execute trades with our quick purchase options. Customize amounts for precise trading actions.
Security Measures
Your security is our top priority. Users always have access to their private key or mnemonic. All exchanged data between users and our bot remains confidential.
Referral Program
Share the profits, bring in friends - earn 30% of their trading fees.
Trade History
Gain insights with a detailed view of your transaction history, including profits and losses.
Clean UX
Experience seamless trading with our intuitive dashboard. Easy navigation and real-time updates keep you informed.
Discover Tokens
Discover Tokens is our new Telegram mini app inside the TON Bot! This tool makes exploring and trading tokens easier than ever, right within ReframeBot.
Reframe App (Telegram Mini-App)
Discover exciting memes/projects on the mini app, access real-time market data, and trade tokens instantly. See your trading volume and complete tasks to earn points!
Latest Update
Trading made simpler
Trade tokens on TON and Osmosis with speed and ease.
© 2024 Reframe. All rights reserved.
.comingsoon { transition: opacity 0.3s ease; /* Add transition for smooth opacity change */ opacity: 0; /* Initially set opacity to 0 */ } .comingsoon:hover { opacity: 1; /* Change opacity to 100% on hover */ }
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